Monday, May 22, 2006

The Island(s)

Not much to add at the moment, as we've been a bit lazy the last couple of days. This part was always intended to be the R&R part of the trip so instead of running around seeing loads of sites we've just been lying round the pool and beach.

Fiji is exactly as you'd expect it - hot, tropical and a very nice place to sit around drinking beer and eating seafood. Fiji is actually a chain of more than 300 islands and atols and were staying at nadi.

The climate here (along with Oz) is probably the best we've had because it's hot (but not so hot that it cooks you) and it doesn't have the humidity of places we went in South east Asia. It's normally a consitent 30 odd degrees.

We're off on a boat trip tomorrow so Pinar is squrilling away here various pills in preparation.

We thought by this stage we might be getting sick of all the travel and sleeping in different beds but it's actually turning out the opposite. We've been nervously looking at the schedule and slowly dreading the flight back to England.

Still, it's not over the bar.


Pin said...

That is really all we have to say..except that im finally getting a tan :) hehe

Revell Cornell said...

Pin - I think Jen's missing you...!
(paste the above into a browser)


Pin said...

ahhh I miss her tooxx

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