Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pinar's new car

S2020004, originally uploaded by rosswigham.

As we've now got the house Pin had to get something a bit smaller.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ross's 30th Birthday

It was Ross's 30th Birthday on the 11th September, as we were in Cyprus at the time, we didnt get to post anything on...

We had a lovely day at the beach and drinks at the harbour then a lovely meal of every kebab you could think of, im not talking about a horrible kebab when your drunk, but a posh meal.

Hen pictures

You can see all the pictures by clicking here

Pinar's [very] belated hen

SSA40221, originally uploaded by rosswigham.

Pinar had her hen night on Saturday, even if it was nearly five months late!

From what i heard - and saw the next morning when I was the taxi driver - I think a good time was had by all

Monday, September 25, 2006

Flag day

The TRNC and Turkish flags carved into the hills near Nicosia.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


This area, as well as having an amazing beach, is where the Turkish Army landed in 1974. Here's Pinar with a tank.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Belly dancer

Pinar's dad shows me how it's done.

I couldn't get the money to stay in - but that's another story.

The way of the gun

Here I am all tooled up and ready to get into action.

I went shooting with Pinar's dad and all the kit, including the gun is borrowed.

What you can't see is the extreme heat and the panic behind my eyes as I slowly realized that the person showing what to do doesn't speak English.

Probably the most dangerous thing you can do is give me 50 bullets, a gun and no instructions. Luckily all went well and although none of the other blokes spoke English they kept me right and were very keen on my England cricket sunhat.

sunset in kyrenia

was nice to see Pinar's home land, but I'm sure you'll agree the beaches don't really have much on Blyth beach.

Northern Cyprus

Pretty unspoilt and very, very hot.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

next destination

Cyprus. Looking forward to a week in the sun. Probably no updates as I'm not sure the web is quite up to it in the Turkish repubilc of Northern Cyprus, but we'll see
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