Sunday, April 29, 2007

Amber and Daddy

Amber and Ross having a sleep, I think the waking up every two hours is taking a toll on us... all worth it though...
Im back at home now, glad to be home, and getting into the swing of things, and recovering slowly :)
Thank you to everyones presents, cards, phone calls and texts, if i havent been able to get back to you, im really sorry, havent got much time at the moment... but will try as soon as I can.

Friday, April 27, 2007

home at last

"Hello everyone. Thanks for my cards. I'm home from hospital now and I'm wearing my new hat." Amber

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Originally uploaded by rosswigham.

Here's mum and baby just after birth. Was a bit of a traumatic start to life, but nobody said it would be easy.

She was 7lbs 10 and screaming her head off!!

Here's to many sleepless nights....

If you click on the picture to the right, then select the set called 'amber charlotte wigham' you can see some more.

Monday, April 23, 2007

It's a girl!

Finally she's here! Amber Charlotte Wigham. She is 7lbs 10.

It didn't quite go to plan, but she's here now and healthy so all the better. Pin is still in hospital but should be out soon.

Monday, April 16, 2007

nothing yet

Still no news. D Day and H hour have both long since passed and the landing craft have yet to reach the beaches.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

any time now

Tending to the garden before the big day...
The landing craft aren't quite on the beach, but d day is definitely approaching...

Monday, April 09, 2007

12 months

This time last year we were just starting to pack up our stuff and getting ready for the first leg in South Africa. A lot can change in a year!
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