Believe it or not, there is actually a full size horse show arena in the bowls of our hotel.
You can't really explain how big these vegas casinos are until you actually see one. Just to give you an idea our hotel, which is by no means the biggest on the strip, contains two hotels (each with 31 floors) a huge casino, a wedding chapel, the horse show arena, two large theatres, two massive swimming pools. four restaurants, a shopping mall, a food court, four bars, a spa, a hair salon, a lounge bar, private gambling rooms, conference rooms, tram station and loads of other stuff. Ceasars Palace, another casino, dwarfs ours and is totally huge - we've ended up getting lost a few times.
Anyway, back to the story. We went to this arena under our hotel to see the medievil show - the tournament of kings. You may remember it from such movies as The Cable Guy starring Jim Carrey.
It's basically a bunch of americans dressed up as kings, fighting each other on horses - INDOORS people. They really throw themselves into this as well and the production values, the acting and the mostly american crowd take it very seriously.
You get a meal, which you have to each with your hands, as they didn't have cutlery in the old times, as the commentator helpfully told us. yes that's right, they even had a sports style commentator (or announcer as they say here) to keep us abreast of all the action.
I have a video of the show just to show you how much of a life changing event this is....the reaction of some of the american families in the audience has to be seen to be believed. It had it all...tears, anger, and whoops (lots of wooooos) of joy.
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