All the talk here at the moment is about the heatwave currently hitting Nevada and Arizona.
Now, it's normally pretty hot here anyway as it's part of the desert but for the last week it's not dipped lower than 104 degrees (40 C).
Yesterday it hit 111 degrees (43 degrees C) and I can honestly say it was the hottest I've ever been. You could literally only walk a few yards and the mteal rims on my sunglasses got so hot that they started burning into my skin and became to warm t0 even touch.
I had a book (inside a bag) but it was so hot that the plastic spine that keeps the pages in completely melted. It's not predicted to get any colder for at least 2 more weeks and meanwhile the roads are melting and water running out.
They've had to shut down the casino waterfalls as you can see from the picture.
Somehow, despite all this, I've caught a cold! The only way we can explain it is the ice-cold air condiioning they use.
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