After a long climb to the summit of Australian Blue mountains you come across a strange wooden chair, where you’re supposed to sit, rest and enjoy the views.
But, in the euphoria of victory after a 1,190ft climb, most people can’t resist taking the opportunity to scrawl a few words somewhere on the knarled old wood.
There’s northing particularly profound on there, mostly stuff like Ian of UK, NUFC or Paul loves Sarah forever and so on, just a small mark to note the achievement.
So you can imagine my surprise and delight to see that some young hommie had taken the time to big up not only Tupac shakur but also the Snoop D.O double gizzle.
It was a bit like getting to the top of Everest and finding a gang of chavs huddled round a children’s play area.
I can only think it was someone having a laugh because I can’t believe some playa would go to the trouble of a three hour train rise, two hour drive and huge trek just to throw out some props to a couple of the biggest Gs in the game.
Maybe he ran out of space but I can’t believe he ‘forgot about Dre’ and what about Biggie and Big Pun.
1 comment:
Maybe Snoop and Tupac were there and decided to sign there own names!
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