Although the roads in Singapore are pretty bust they're also well ordered and completely organised. They do all roadworks at night and have timers on the crossings. Once the green man comes on you get exactly 30 seconds to get across the road before the traffic starts. In Britain that would probably be a rough guide, but over there once the time is up the cars are coming ready or not.
It's good in one way becuase the timer also tells you how long until the next green man will come on again, but it also acts as a bit of a challenge, if you get there and the timer is on 3 seconds do you chance it and sprint across about 9 lanes?
I think the drivers take it as a personal insult if you do try to beat them across - we saw a group of English public school boys give it a go, swanning across in their collars-up rugby shirts, before having to dodge moving cars who seemed to be actullay trying to hit them. Good for them!
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