Friday, March 31, 2006

throw it on the pile

That must be what PWC do with money when it rolls in.

Went to their offices for a meeting and they have this internal atrium inside their massive Embankment HQ.

This is only one of the offices they have in London. Although it looks like a patio this is actually indoors. It's built into the centre column of the building. I think it's used a smoking area/bar for staff and guests.

Either way, not a bad way to spend your break time.

oddball bar

One of the stranger bars I've been in. The entire outside is covered by plants...and the inside is entirely covered with weirdos!

star spotting

Saw that bloke out of cold feet and the yellow pages ads on Oxford street.

Looks like he was buying some gum after a particularly good night.

One Aldwich

Went to this hotel with work and it was one of the better ones I've been to in London.

In Turkey

I like this picture of us..

me and mum in Paris

Ross and I took my mum to Paris for her 50th Birthday, sitting in our favourite cafe in Notre Dame having bouilly red wine... yummy

Friends coming up to visit

time waster

Just finished this book which is worth a read. Laugh out loud as he wastes countless corporate hours with these letters to various companies. There so bizarre that they make hilarious reading, but just realisitic enough to make the people write back.

A much lamented lost shoelace at Debanhams, and their amazing efforts to find it, is the subject for one of the funniest letters.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

South side

Not quite the glittering west end but Elephant & Castle has one of the strangest shopping centres going. All it sells is south american food.

Streatham on the other hand has a nice line in police warning signs (click the picture to read the sign).

Back in the smoke

Like I've said before there's some great sides to London but traveling to and from work isn't one of them. Unless, that is, you like 3rd world levels of clenliness and over crowding.

If you don't like crowds or enclosed spaces it will start giving you flashbacks to nam.

The real Pinar

Pinar is named after a Turkish cheese that comes in a can!

Cheese in a can? I think it is the cheese of the goat.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Blue light district

New lights for the fish tank! Looks a bit seedy.

Hungry turk

Not the best picture but we saw Emre out having a meal on Saturday. Seemed to enjoy it, although he wasn't drinking - the toon had a game Sunday.

Judging by the events the next day at the game, Boumsong must have had about 15 pints.

Couple of pictures of the warm up as well, when they mascots all got a goal. Maybe we should have given them a game.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Lunch at St. Pauls

Looks like the building work is nearly done on one of London's best buildings.

Purile but amusing

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