If you're reading in Sydney Pinar went to the beach on Christmas day as well!
Sorry for waking you up with our phone call...we got the times wrong!
Ross and Pinar Wigham 2006/07
We went over to Beamish the other week to see how they lived in them old days. The place is a spooky reconstruction of 1914 with the whole area fenced off and set-up excatly how it was. They have actors walking around in period dress, a tram, a steamtrain and a whole village where you can basically walk around and take in the sights of vintage Britain.
The place has grown loads over the years and has a manor house, a mine!, a farm and all sorts of other things to see. You can go into all the houses/shops/banks etc and see how they did things in those days and they even have a fully working pub.
The Victorian dentist is always a favorite, but the sweet shop has all the old classics sold by the quarter.
It's pretty crazy walking round and seeing all the actors really hamming it up - I kept expecting them to mafuntion like those yul brinner robots in westworld! (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070909/)
Our first day in Singapore was a bit of an ordeal because the long flight and change of time zones meant we had missed a full nights sleep. To make things worse the hotel wasn't ready when we got there so we had to walk round like zombies for a while.
To make matters worse we got caught in a cloud burst and when it rains there it really rains. Still it was over in a few minutes and it was back to being red hot. It feels like you're getting slowly steamed.
Singapore is great though - a strange mix of old and new, modern and ancient.
While Ross was slaving over a hot stove I ventured out to sterling Castle.
I even got the audio guide and went round the castle having a great time.
This is the throne of Posh and Becks....no I mean Mary Queen of Scots!
The other pictures from scotland are here too, if you click on the picture.
This week took us up to Scotland, so that I could make use of my birthday present at the cook school.
We spent the night before at a hotel in Loch Lomand and then I went off into the unknown for my Nick Nairn cooking lesson (should I take that as a hint? - it will be housework lessons next.)
Thankfully he didn't use the Gordon Ramsey school of of teaching and I didn'get sworn at all day. I'll never snigger watching one of his programmes again - cooking in a big pro kitchen is hot, sweaty, complicated and stressfull!
All in all though it was a really good day and my food turned out okay as well.
It was Ross's 30th Birthday on the 11th September, as we were in Cyprus at the time, we didnt get to post anything on...
We had a lovely day at the beach and drinks at the harbour then a lovely meal of every kebab you could think of, im not talking about a horrible kebab when your drunk, but a posh meal.
Pinar had her hen night on Saturday, even if it was nearly five months late!
From what i heard - and saw the next morning when I was the taxi driver - I think a good time was had by all