Firstly - got here safe and having a brilliant time.
As we enjoyed our first view of the Western Cape, my bag was enjoying the inside of mubai airport. Seems that it got sent to India instead of South Africa. Luckily it was just one of 4 bags we have so we shouldn't miss it too much.
We've already taken in the V&A Waterfront, the city centre and Roben Island where Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years. The 17 or so km boat ride over to the Island itself is a bit choppy - to say the least - and there was a lot of poorly people onboard . Pinar was one of them, but by no means the only one.
A huge Irish guy in front of me was really strugging and it was a bit of a comedy moment seeing him race against time - or more accuratly the ticking time bomb inside his stomach - to get to the deck and complete the inevitable.
Outise the harbour the swells and waves are enormous and the tiny catamaran really gets tossed about. By then our Irish friend was stummbling around like Norman Wisdom after a good night out trying desperatly to get out of the cabin - which was a pretty monumental task in the conditions.
Funny how only one leg ever works when you're about to be sick.
Still at least we knew we were coming back, unlike the inmates of the prison, sent down for demanding their rights. Conditions there must have been awful for Mandela and the others and it was really just a death camp in everything but name. Hard to believe this was still going on as I was growing up in the 80s.
That's it for now.